When you leave for work each day, you are accepting the risks that come as part of maintaining the responsibilities you have agreed to participate in. Protecting yourself is a dual task between you and your employer in Minnesota. Your goals are to participate in...
Month: March 2019
Woman seeks compensation after training-related injury
When people are injured at work, their first concern is often getting the medical attention they need to be able to begin on the road to recovery. However, it is imperative that they are timely in their quest to seek workers’ compensation before too much time lapses...
Do not quit your job after you have been hurt at work
Workplace injuries happen all the time in Minnesota. In 2016, 38.4 percent of all workplace injuries across all industries were poisonings, shares the state’s Department of Labor and Industry, and 25.3 percent of all workplace injuries related to skin disorders. In...
What is a repetitive stress injury?
Repetitive stress is an issue at many different workplaces. This condition may impact people who regularly use hand tools, as well as those who spend a large portion of time on computers. The Cleveland Clinic offers the following information so you can receive the...