As your typical work injuries go, repetitive stress injuries are easily the most common, but it is also the most difficult to get worker’s compensation for. Typically, most worker’s compensation claims for repetitive stress injuries are rejected because the worker...
Month: November 2018
Minnesota Work Comp – When the Insurance Company Won’t Settle
Typically, when you file for worker’s compensation, the claims adjusters want to handle things simply without an unnecessary amount of time or energy put in. This is something that is both good for the injured party and the insurance company. However, sometimes you...
Are Office Workers Entitled to Worker’s Compensation?
When most people think of worker’s compensation, they think of a construction worker hurt in an accident or a factory worker hurt by some piece of complicated machinery. Most people don’t think of some office worker that spends most of their time in a cubicle. This is...
Noninvasive Procedures Often Used To Treat Workers’ Back Injuries
Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is a pervasive problem in the United States. According to the American Chiropractic Association, about 31 million Americans, or almost 10 percent of the population, suffer from lower back pain at any one time. It is second only...