Spinal Cord Shock

Spinal shock is a painful spinal cord injury. Shock to the spinal cord can subject a person to a life full of back issues that are painful and may require regular medical care for many years or for life.

If you have experienced trauma or shock to the spinal cord in an accident at work, from a defective product or after a car crash, you may be able to file a claim against the responsible party, and Meshbesher Law Firm can help.

What Is Spinal Shock?

Spinal shock can feel like a total spinal cord injury, but it is typically a reflex system dysfunction that reflects an underlying spinal cord injury. A person whose spinal cord is in shock may experience:

  • Loss of sensory function
  • Loss of some motor skills
  • Partial paralysis
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Inability to feel temperature
  • Loss of pain sensation

A person may also lose some of the reflex activity below the injured area, making mobility difficult. Such tasks as sitting down and getting up can be painful, which means an individual may need the assistance of others to do simple things such as going to the bathroom or getting out of bed.

Learn More At A Free Evaluation

Spinal shock can lead to long-term difficulties with the spine. Once the spine is injured, it never seems to be the same again, leading to lasting pain and high possibility of reinjury. Immediate treatment and ongoing care costs can be a difficult financial burden to carry.

Fortunately, we can help. Our firm has significant experience successfully pursuing compensation for spinal cord injury victims. See what we can do for you during a free consultation. To schedule yours, email the firm or call our office in Minneapolis at 612-349-5215.