Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance for employees injured in the line of duty. It provides medical benefits and wage replacement in case of an accident in exchange for waiving the right to sue your employer for your workplace injuries.
Under Minnesota laws, every employer is mandated to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage, with some exceptions to this rule. In addition, workers’ compensation insurance only covers employees, and independent contractors are not usually considered employees. There are state laws in place that differentiate between the two.
What type of injuries are covered?
A workplace injury is any condition that has been caused or made worse by employment activities. You may be entitled to workers ‘ compensation as long as you can show that your injuries were incurred in the course of your employment. These injuries may either be:
- Occupational diseases
- Repetitive-motion type injuries
- Mental injuries that originate from your work environment
- Traumatic injuries and accidents
You may lose workers’ compensation benefits if it is ascertained that you were intoxicated when the accident occurred, you intentionally caused your injuries, or they were incurred outside of the scope of your work.
What types of benefits are available?
Depending on your injuries, there are three main benefits available – wage loss benefits, medical benefits and vocational rehabilitation benefits. Death benefits to your dependents are available, as well.
The monetary amount of these benefits that may be due to you will be based on several factors. These may include your wages before the injuries, and the potential income lost when recuperating, among others.
Look out for your legal rights after a workplace accident
Workplace injuries may put you out of work for a considerable time. This is likely to affect you in various ways, especially when it comes to your finances. Protect your legal rights before taking any step, and explore the options at your disposal with the necessary information you need.