Safety techology reduces repetitive workplace injuries

On Behalf of | Jul 10, 2020 | Personal Injury |

OSHA reports that U.S. employers pay almost $1 billion per week in direct costs related to injuries. Workers and businesses in Minnesota might be interested in reading a recent article regarding the use of technology to reduce workplace injuries. These injuries send workers home every day; they are often disabled for days, months, weeks or the rest of their lives. Innovation has brought new solutions to the issue of repetitive strain injuries (RSI).

According to EHSToday, manufacturers have a responsibility to have the goal of zero injuries daily. Contributing to injuries are stance, repetitive motion, reach, vibration and torque reaction; all are the known factors for risk.

New technology both protects workers and enhances productivity. Because assembly tools are used every day at a constant pace, repetitive motion can cause stress on hands and arms, causing injury. Innovative technology features highly accurate reaction technology, which is less difficult to use and is more ergonomic than in the past.

ETS technology in tools produces short torque impulses for tightening. It utilizes sophisticated control of the tool’s motor instead of delivering a continuous force for assembly by tightening. The operator of the tool retains complete control, offering safety to his job.

Tools that include ETS help users safely meet the fastening requirements of many applications. They can be ergonomic or made for productivity. The operators arm movement becomes limited to smaller movements, rather than one large stressful movement. In this case, there is less of a chance of workplace injuries.

Safety in the workplace is an important issue, and new technology can be of help. However, some workers have already had injuries while at work or on the job. When this happens, an attorney might be consulted to explain the benefits, including lost wages, medical bills and insurance. Workers’ compensation can also be explained and pursued.

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