DePuy Hip Replacement
There are a great number of individuals in Minnesota who had received defective DePuy ASR hips, even after orthopedists in the U.K. and Australia had warned that the ASR hip implant system had significant problems three years before their availability to American consumers. Despite these warnings, DePuy continued aggressively marketing the product in the United States.
There was an over 360 percent sales increase for these faulty implants in 2007 for Minnesota alone, as DePuy raked in $62 million more in hip implant sales nationwide than the year before.
Hip Replacement Recall
The recalls began in 2010 when those that had received the implants received a notice from their surgeons that the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System that was implanted had been recalled by the manufacturer.
Approximately five years after the hip implants, 1 in 8 patients had to have some kind of revision performed. Revisions at this point after implantation are not typical in hip replacements. The recall had to be done because the device needed to be tested and monitored more to ensure proper functionality. If you have received one of these hip replacement devices, you may need to have more surgery. You also need to contact your Minnesota DePuy hip replacement attorney regarding the pain and suffering you have experienced.
If you need to have revision surgery, you are most likely experiencing pain, swelling and difficulty walking. Experiencing these symptoms means that the implant has loosened, the bone around the implant may have fractured, or the implant is dislocated. All of these are serious issues that could lead to more serious medical complications.
Even if you are not experiencing symptoms, it is important to determine whether or not there is a problem with your implant. To do this, visit with your doctor so that an evaluation can be done. Blood tests may also need to be performed to see what the chromium ion levels are in the blood. The test results will determine whether or not an ultrasound or an MRI needs to be done. If it is later determined that surgery is needed, you should consult with a Minneapolis DePuy hip replacement attorney as soon as possible.
Contact A Minnesota DePuy Hip Replacement Attorney
If you received a DePuy hip replacement, then you may need to have revision surgery. This results in a great deal of pain and suffering, as well as additional medical costs. You shouldn’t have to pay the consequences, which is why the Meshbesher Law Firm is here to help you. We can advise you on what you are entitled to and take action against the manufacturer for the medical expenses and other damages that you incur. Call us today at 612-349-5215 for a free consultation.
You can also e-mail us your questions. The Meshbesher Law Firm, like other personal injury attorneys in Minnesota, works on a one- third contingency fee basis on all claims. If we cannot get you a recovery, you do not owe us for the time we spent working on your case.