Dram Shop Liability
It is unfortunate that some individuals decide to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after they have been drinking because a high percentage of these individuals cause accidents. Some people walk away from these accidents, some sustain minor injuries, others are severely injured, and some are killed. The results are never good.
Any time a drunk driver causes an accident, that person serves time in jail, they pay large fines, and their license is suspended. While this is the legal system punishing the criminal, the victims still suffer. To ease that suffering, they can bring a lawsuit against the drunk driver to help them contend with the financial damage that is done as a result of the injury or death that occurred in the accident. They can consult with a Minnesota dram shop liability lawyer who knows the law and who knows what parties can be held responsible in the matter.
Dram Shop Liability
In Minnesota, the law says that the bar, tavern, liquor store, pub or other establishment that is selling liquor can be held responsible for the illegal sale of alcohol to an individual who causes injury to another person. A perfect example of this is when a bartender continues to serve alcohol to a person who has obviously had enough to drink. That person then gets into their car, drives away and causes an accident. The dram shop law will allow the victim in that case to hold the bar responsible.
But it is important to understand the dram shop law and the role that it plays. First, the sale of alcohol has to be illegal. The law defines the illegal sale of alcohol as:
- A sale to a person who is obviously intoxicated
- Sale to a minor
- Sale to nonmembers in a club or nonmember guests
- Sale on a day when alcohol sales are not permitted
If it is determined that the alcohol sale was illegal, then you may have a claim.
Filing For Compensation
You will want to consult with your Minneapolis dram shop liability attorney in your case because you may be entitled to compensation by filing a lawsuit against all responsible parties. Under the dram shop law, you can file a lawsuit if you or someone you love is injured or killed.
If you injure yourself or you are killed in an accident after drinking at an establishment, the dram shop law cannot be used. However, your family may be able to file a lawsuit if they have experienced a loss of income due to the accident.
Minnesota Dram Shop Liability Attorney
If you are the victim in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you may be able to hold all parties responsible, including the establishment that served the alcohol to the driver. It is a must to learn about your rights and your options and the Meshbesher Law Firm can help. Call us at 612-349-5215 for a free consultation.