What to do if you suffer from job-related hearing loss

On Behalf of | May 24, 2024 | Workers' Compensation |

There are industries that expose workers to loud noises for long periods of time. This may include factory work, concert venues and warehouses, to name a few. Constant exposure to loud noise may have lasting effects on a worker’s quality of life.

If you are a Minnesota worker at risk for hearing loss related to your job, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. It is important that you know and understand your rights when it comes to occupational hearing loss.

Occupational hearing loss is more common than you think

Hearing loss may be a common danger for people working with heavy machinery, such as aircraft, construction equipment, or farm equipment, among others. It may be dangerous for you to continue working when you have lost your hearing, as you may not be able to hear approaching hazards or verbal warnings from your co-workers.

Unfortunately, not all workplaces provide safety precautions against hearing loss on the job. Not all workplaces have personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect workers’ hearing. There are cases where hearing protection is provided, but it may not be enough.

Occupational hearing loss and your rights

If you develop hearing loss on the job or your existing hearing loss gets worse because of your work, you may have a valid workers’ compensation claim. Awareness of the guidelines involving what may be dangerous noise levels on the job will help you. Generally, if you and your co-workers need to shout so that you can hear each other, then the noise level at your workplace may be louder than what is safe. Workers’ compensation benefits exist so that you can continue to have some form of income if you are no longer able to work due to work-related injury.

If you feel that you have a strong claim, you may want to gather medical evidence and seek the services of an attorney to help you with the next steps.

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