Many Minnesota residents aren’t surprised to find out that the top two jobs that lead to back injuries are nursing and construction. Back injuries are one of the main reasons that workers end up missing work and piling up huge medical bills. A back injury makes it uncomfortable to stand or even sit, so suffering workers could end up taking a huge financial hit if they’re unable to work.
What makes nurses prone to back injuries?
Nurses are at the highest risk for back injuries and musculoskeletal disorders simply because of the way they perform their day-to-day tasks. They’re often lifting up patients or moving them from bed to bed or chair. Nurses are also constantly moving equipment and lifting heavy items throughout the day, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, moving patients around is the number one reason that nurses suffer from back injuries.
How does construction contribute to high number of back injuries?
It’s easy to understand why construction workers suffer a high rate of back injury. They constantly lift, carry, bend, tug and push heavy loads during their entire shifts. They also make a lot of repetitive movements, adding immense stress to their entire bodies. Construction workers who do a lot of digging and bending have a lot of lower back and leg issues while workers who have to reach up, like painters and builders, end up putting immense stress on their upper back.
How do back issues affect people’s ability to work?
Back injuries force people to miss work, possibly putting their livelihoods in jeopardy. Workers’ comp provides benefits like lost wages, disability benefits, ongoing care costs and medical expenses for the injured employee. By filing as soon as possible, injured workers can receive financial relief sooner.
Help filing workers’ compensation claims for back injuries
Back injuries are tough for any worker, and they’re often expensive to deal with. People dealing with this issue may benefit by working with attorneys who have experience in workers’ comp cases.