For some employees in Minnesota or other U.S. states, a bad day on the job means running late or missing an important deadline. For others, it means becoming seriously injured or even worse. Unfortunately, on-the-job injuries occur every day.
Employers have a legal obligation to provide their employees with safe working environments. Some of the the most dangerous jobs in America are ones that society can’t live without. For example, many farmers, ranchers, roofers and trash collectors are susceptible to workplace injuries or fatalities. These types of essential workers often work year-round regardless of the conditions or weather, which could place them at a higher risk of accidents.
Logging workers who constantly come into contact with heavy objects and machinery are among the most at risk for job-related incidents and fatalities. These hardworking employees harvest trees that are later used for wood for construction projects and consumer goods. Among an estimated 53,000 loggers working in the United States, an average of 1,000 workers are injured and 70 suffer fatal injuries each year.
No matter the occupation, an on-the-job injury can lead to long-term repercussions. Depending on the severity of the injury, an employee may be unable to return to work for days, weeks or even months while he or she is recovering. It can be incredibly difficult to pay for expensive medical bills, especially when an employee is unable to continue working. The emotional pain and suffering of being incapacitated, even for the short term, can also lead to depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder.
If you become injured at work, an experienced attorney may be able to assist. You might be entitled to certain workers’ compensation benefits from your employer or your company’s insurance policy so that you can recover physically and financially with greater ease.