Out of the numerous dangerous industries throughout the U.S., construction is known to be one of the most hazardous. Construction workers in Minnesota and elsewhere must contend with many elements on the job each day that can threaten their lives. Out of these hazards, four in particular stand out as the most dangerous types of accidents in the construction industry.
These hazards are known as the “fatal four,” according to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. They include falls, being struck by an object, electrocution and being caught in or between objects. Accidents involving the fatal four were responsible for 59.9% of all construction worker deaths across the country in 2017. Safety officials believe that if the fatal four were eliminated, 582 construction workers’ lives would be saved each year in the United States.
A recent accident in Minneapolis highlights the sudden and devastating nature of construction mishaps that involve the fatal four. As KSTP News reported, a worker died on the construction site this past August, after being hit by an earth moving loader – which would constitute a “struck by” accident. To date, authorities were still investigating the accident to determine its cause and whether any safety standards had been violated.
Construction companies may reduce the risks of their employees being seriously injured or killed by addressing known hazards and ensuring their workers are adequately trained and have access to appropriate safety equipment. Negligent construction companies may be held financially liable by failing to maintain a safe workplace.